Tuesday, April 5, 2011

B & B Bliss

Unfortunately I am not usually a breakfast eater

and haven't been since my teenage years

but when your breakfast gets made for you

and it looks as good as this I can make an exception.

I love the character of older houses,

but I don't like that most of them are very dark inside

I also like antiques

but sometimes I think you can overdo the amount of stuff

you have on display and combined with a dark house and

dark paint and dark curtains it can all be a bit much.

But I can appreciate the beauty of each item

and I thought you would too.

My favourite feature was this display of bird prints

The painting below was very hard to photograph 

and show the true colours

due to the apricot walls and ceiling casting a warm glow

Oh and I love these old doors

and how they incorporated them into the outdoor area

There was certainly a lot to admire at Beverly House,

next time I'll share some pics from around Mudgee

and I also have the little giveaway coming up.


1 comment:

  1. There is so much to look at! I know what you mean about old houses and dark rooms. Thankfully our living spaces are light though the bedrooms are a bit dull. I think that's also why I like bright colour in homes.
    Boy that breakfast looks yummy!!
